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“Nuvolo. Genesi della pittura di serigrafia”

“Nuvolo. Genesi della pittura di serigrafia”

Nuvolo. Genesi della pittura di serigrafia is the title of the conference organized by the Association for the Protection and Preservation of Monuments of the Upper Tiber Valley in collaboration with Inner Wheel Club.

It will be held on Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, at 5 p.m. at the Paolo Rossi Monti Room of the Carducci Municipal Library in Città di Castello, on Via XI Settembre, a stone’s throw from Nuvolo’s birthplace.

Institutional greetings by Catia Cecchetti, President of the Association for the Protection and Preservation of the Monuments of the Upper Tiber Valley; Tiziana D’Acchille, Director of the “Pietro Vannucci” Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia; Paolo Ascani, Vice President of the Nuvolo Archive Association; and Michela Botteghi, Cultural Policies Councillor of the municipality of Città di Castello; will be followed by speeches by art historians and critics – as well as curators of the exhibition Nuvolo Nuntius Revelatus. La pittura di serigrafia tra caos e ordine  – Prof. Bruno Corà, president of Fondazione Albizzini Collezione Burri, and Prof. Aldo Iori, professor at the University of Perugia.

The event enhances the success of the solo exhibition Nuvolo Nuntius Revelatus. La pittura di serigrafia tra caos e ordine, which opened last Dec. 15 at the MUSA Art Gallery of the “Pietro Vannucci” Academy of Fine Arts in Perugia. The exhibition highlights the chaos/order combination always present in Nuvolo’s painting, which mediates between the gesturality of previous informal derivation and the new scientific control that the artist has over the making of the work. The iron programming necessary for technique to achieve perfection produces the balance sought by meeting with natural randomness. The viewing of a hundred or so works allows the visitor to observe the use of the infinite chromatic possibilities of paints and pigments, the control of their physical and combinatorial properties, Nuvolo’s punctual technical executive mastery in the creation of ever-new solutions, as well as to assess the great pictorial quality of the results achieved and to know and understand the artistic path of one of the most interesting artists of the second half of the 20th century.

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Via Spluga, 3 – 06012, Città di Castello (PERUGIA)